Emily Wolahan is a writer, editor, and writing consultant living in San Francisco. This website reflects her creative work.

For her professional portfolio, please visit here.

Emily is the author of HINGE (National Poetry Review Press, 2015). Look for her poetry in Volt, Tinderbox Journal, Fourteen Hills, Gulf Coast, Boston Review and other journals. Find her prose in  Among Margins, Arts & Letters, and other journals. Her writing has won Georgia Review and Arts & Letters prizes. She was awarded Affiliate Artist positions at Headlands Center for the Arts from 2016-2019.

Her collaboration with artist Owen Brown can be found at The Fieldwork Scroll: A Modern Exodus.

She is currently a Poetry Editor at Tinderbox Poetry Journal. She also served as Senior Editor at Two Lines Press for three years and is a founding editor at JERRY Magazine.

Emily is also pursuing a Ph.D. in Anthropology and Social Change at the California Institute of Integral Studies focusing on the intersection of climate activism and visual art.

For inquiries into my current or past projects, please email me: emilywolahan (at) gmail (dot) com

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