Emily Wolahan is a poet, writer, and educator living in San Francisco. She is the author of HINGE (National Poetry Review Press, 2015). Her poetry has appeared in Volt, Tinderbox Journal, Fourteen Hills, Gulf Coast, Boston Review and other journals. Her prose has been collected in Among Margins, Arts & Letters, and other journals. She won the Lorraine Williams prize for poetry from the Georgia Review and the Arts & Letters Unclassifiables contest. She served as an Affiliate Artist at the Headlands Center for the Arts in Sausalito, CA.
Emily collaborated with painter Owen Brown on The Fieldwork Scroll: A Modern Exodus. She is currently a Poetry Editor at Tinderbox Poetry Journal.
Emily is pursuing a Ph.D. in Anthropology and Social Change at the California Institute of Integral Studies focusing on social practice art.
Photo credit: Mary O’Brien